Rediscover ancient ways to elevate the quality of your life and work
Seekers – people trying to find something – may be set upon the path of enquiry following discomfort. The inner dimensions of life have also been described since ancient times as a ‘microcosm‘ in contrast to the ‘macrocosm’ of the Universe.
In India, those inner dimensions are further described as consisting of 5 sheaths or koshas of increasing refinement. The most inner dimension of oneself is called the Ananda (bliss) Maya (made of ) Koscha (sheath). This inner domain is the domain of Kundalini Shakti or the Divine Feminine.
In the Shamanic tradition, a strong knowledge base exists in how to work with ‘lost parts’ of the self. In psychology and trauma work, it is known also that parts of the self can get frozen/stuck as a result of traumatic experiences in life. Shamanic Journeying is a process in which the shamanic practitioner enters an altered state of consciousness to journey with the seeker in order to retrieve/heal and bring back to the client soul parts which are ready to be reintegrated. Those dissociated parts of the self seemingly become magnets attracting similar situations which repeat the hurt/pain. It keeps the dissociation active. In order to ‘have more of oneself’, it’s important to bring back those inaccessible parts of the self to the seeker.
Besides a microscopic description of the inner dimensions of self-development, another way to represent this is in the following 4 dimensions.
Physical Body
Sleep: Sleep Hygiene
Nutrition: Ayurveda/Chinese Medicine
Physical Activity: Yoga/Qi Gong – walking/gentle exercise
Support: Medical support – Physiotherapy-Massage-Chiropractic
Social: social support system
Trauma: Shamanism & Soul Retrieval
Repeating, unbreakable patterns: Soul Retrieval
Repeating patterns in family history: Ancestral Shamanic Healing – Elemental Healing
Spirit intrusions: psychopomp shamanism
Hrit/Atma: indwelling place for Shamanic Journeying
Subtle Heart Wounds: Kundalini heals
Jezus’ teachings: connected to the path of the Heart/Soul
Soul Flight and ‘Seeing in the Dark’: Shamanism
Pranayama and Meditation: restraining of the Mind
Sadhana: spiritual practice given by a spiritual tradition (not ‘channeled’) and based on scripture
Kundalini Shakti (Divine Within), the Spiritual Director of one’s life: letting go of Ego and Mind
These four dimensions of life can be found back in Indian philosophy as well as in the Native American Shamanic Traditions.
Seekers’ experiences and expectations may vary depending on their focus, experiencing of life and ability of let go of outer attachments.
The examples below are taken from my own process and my work with clients over a number of years. They give a glance at possible scenarios within a particular stage of personal development.
Physical Body
Support: Medical model as a healing reference point.
Expectations: To ‘fix‘ the situation. Self enquiry is resisted.
Non fulfilment of expectation: tendency to ‘blame‘
Discernment: Often unaware of feelings/emotions/thoughts and difficulty discerning between the different ‘soft’ therapeutic modalities as the field is unfamiliar and unexplored.
Expression: reactivity to situations possible
Ethics and consent: not necessarily understood by the client.
Issue: may have missed elements of ‘foundational‘ development in early childhood.
Social: social support system
Expectations: address the agitations of the Mind and possibly the spirit intrusions. May need group support to learn about the self
Non fulfilment of expectation: ‘anger’, ‘sadness’, blaming – emotional reactivity
Discernment: In seeking help with emotional issues, the treatment modalities are experienced.
Expression: resisting inwardly ‘slowing down’ and difficulty in discerning the different aspects of self.
Ethics and consent: experience of boundaries with a therapist – experience of a contractual relationship – may be the first time the client experiences boundaries in a healthy way
Issue: may have missed elements of ‘foundational’ development early childhood.
Soul: Divine Grace of the Divine within – Divine timing and pre-determined depending on the ‘ripeness‘ of the Soul
Expectations: to still be in ‘control of life’ – of sitting in the driver seat of life, driving wherever one wants at a desired speed.
Non-fulfilment of expectations: panic when finding oneself in the VIP position of the drive of your life with the Divine driving and there no longer being a sense of having any ‘control’ over how life unfolds and at what pace.
Expression: transformation of life beyond what’s imagined possible. Deep sense of contentment and peace pervading life.
Ethics and consent: consent given to the Divine Within to do as She pleases.
Issue: Kundalini Shakti as the ultimate Divine healer within.
Issue: fear of surrendering fully and finally to the One
Seekers interested in Shamanic Journeying are taught how to enter the Shamanic Realm through the space of the heart. The Heart is a special and safe place from where seekers can journey.
Seekers are encouraged to actively journey after a few sessions together. This empowers the seekers to repeat the process by themselves at home to continue this process of healing and spiritual development.