About Nathalie


Veterinary Surgeon and Graduate from Ghent University (DVM)

Nathalie grew up and studied veterinary medicine at Ghent University, Belgium. After graduation in 1992, Nathalie started her veterinary career in the UK and eventually settled in the UK.

Master in Business Administration (MBA)

In 1996, Nathalie followed her longstanding desire to own a veterinary business at some point in her career. Nathalie enrolled at the Open University and studied for a business degree whilst working full time as a veterinary surgeon.

Upon completion of my MBA degree, a local veterinary surgeon was approached with the view of purchasing his sole owner business. Against all expectations, this purchase completed in 2001 with 100% finance from the bank. The business degree and my ability to provide a cash flow forecast to the bank ensured my path forward as a veterinary business owner working simultaneously full time as veterinary surgeon.

This experience of owning, managing a veterinary business as well as working full-time as a veterinary surgeon taught me valuable lessons of organisation, ethics, health and safety, patience, staff management as well as interacting with several service providers.

Barbara Brennan School of Healing Graduate (BBSH)

In 2008, after noticing recurring, irreconcilable and seeming unresolvable painful patterns in her life, Nathalie enrolled at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing with the purpose of learning more about healing and Energy.

Nathalie had previously studied veterinary Acupuncture, which mostly was reduced to a scientific model, not honouring the ancient wisdom behind the acupuncture system. I intuitively knew there was more to this and hence enrolled at the BBSH school.

As much as the Barbara Brennan School provided valuable experiences in the field of exploring the human energy field, the shamanic path was strongly appealing after an initial experience of Hawaiian Shamanism at the Barbara Brennan School during the final year. The shift felt after this initial shamanic experience in the subsequent group dynamics at school was too obvious to be ignored.

Walking the Shaman’s Path (Patricia White Buffalo)

Meaningful change in life requires patience, effort, tenacity, focus and a lot of time. Eventually, the path opens up. Following a few workshops experienced with Patricia White Buffalo, the decision was made to explore shamanism in a meaningful way by committing to a 3-year program.

Compassion for one-self, lots of patience, grit as well as enough self-love are needed on the path of discovery of the Soul.

Patricia White Buffalo is a previous graduate and teacher of the Barbara Brennan School who honoured the path of her Native American Ancestors in offering a 3 year transformational shamanic healing path to her students. Her big heart and open facilitation brought deep experiencing and healing.

A Vision Quest in the Californian desert, organised by Patricia White Buffalo at the end of the training for those students who elected to participate was a profound experience, one that is still unfolding.

The 3 year training unknowingly prepared me also for the next step at PKYC.

Patanjali Kundalini Yoga Care (PKYC)

After the trajectory travelled over a period of 8 years, there was still a sense that existing patterns in my life were unfathomable and unresolvable.

Deeply engrained patterns were still experienced and were more delineated and clear than before. However, they were still resolved and in a sense there was a feeling that those patterns were ‘untouchables’.

During a Shamanic Journey in the first year of Walking the Shaman’s Path , whilst Nathalie was half expecting to ‘see’ power animals, I came across Ganesha – the Hindu God of Obstacles – during a Soul Retrieval. This rocked my world. What I saw in that moment was so far from what I had half-expected to ‘see’/experience in a ‘lucid dream like situation’ during Shamanic Journeying that it took me a very long time to understand the meaning of this journey.

During the second year of Walking the Shaman’s Path, I experienced a deep shift. During group work, I experienced what only could be described as ‘an explosion in my chest’, after which my whole being felt like jelly for the rest of the day. I could no longer think nor focus and slept for 12 hours.

In September 2016, Nathalie was accepted to have an initial conversation with Joan Harrigan regarding my spiritual process. A 20 page document had been submitted with descriptions at different level of experiencing of my life as well as insights of those processes and life experiences.

Nathalie had heard about Kundalini before, had practiced some Kundalini Yoga for a while, read the books but simultaneously didn’t really understand. Joan Harrigan explained that I had a ‘deflected’ Kundalini process and that PKYC was able to help to redress this. The ‘explosion’ in my chest which I had experienced during my time with Patricia White Buffalo had opened my ‘chest knot‘, ensuring there was a readiness for a Kundalini intervention.

Most Kundalini information available online only talks about Sushumna process (with Pingala and Ida nadi alongside Sushumna). The PKYC lineage, a 500 year old Indian lineage, is intimately knowledgeable of the 6 possible paths/processes Kundalini can take. Sushumna holds 4 of them. My process was outside of Sushumna. The lineage is also well versed in the spiritual knowledge and ways of addressing the difficulties experienced when a kundalini process is ‘deflected’; outside the ‘regular’ Sushumna experience.

The experience of having Kundalini – or the Divine Feminine – redirected into Sushumna was an extremely profound and deep, quiet, very subtle experience with major transformational effects as a result.


It is said at PKYC that a PKYC intensive retreat to have difficulties with Kundalini Process addressed can completely transform the lives of PKYC-consultees within a year.

This happened in my case. Within a year, I had sold my veterinary business and was preparing to leave the veterinary profession all together.

The life post-PKYC is one of quiet contemplation, rest, restoration, scripture study and the study of ancient knowledge whilst working with some clients on their path of self-discovery.

Timeline Nathalie and Ark Healing

Virtual Platform

Following a major work and life transformation in 2018, a virtual platform for remote healing work is now predominant at…Read More

Sale of the veterinary business and end of work as a veterinary surgeon

Within one year , the veterinary business was sold. I ceased to work as a veterinary surgeon shortly thereafter.  Joan…Read More

Patanjali Kundalini Yoga Care (PKYC)-experience of Kundalini Shakti

In 2016, a 20 page document was submitted to PKYC highlighting my experiences in life.  This also outlined the recurring…Read More

Graduation from Walking the Shaman’s Path

In 2016, Nathalie completed Walking the Shaman’s path’s transformational journey which culminated with a Vision Quest in the Californian Desert.…Read More

ShamYoga Groups

In 2015, group healing sessions were introduced at Ark Healing.  The ShamYoga Group was a small gathering, coming together once…Read More

Ark Healing Founded

Ark Healing was founded in 2013 after Nathalie qualified from the Barbara Brennan School of Healing. As a lifelong lover…Read More

Graduation from the Barbara Brennan School of Healing

In May 2012, Nathalie graduated from the Barbara Brennan School of Healing (BBSH). Nathalie enrolled at the BBSH in 2008,…Read More

Sole owner of a veterinary practice

In August 2001, my dream of owning a small veterinary practice was fulfilled in the purchase of a small business…Read More

Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the Open University

In 1996, Nathalie started studying for a Master of Business Administration (MBA) with the Open University whilst working full time…Read More

Veterinary Surgeon (DVM)

After graduation in 1992, Nathalie started working in the UK as a veterinary surgeon in various veterinary practices. Nathalie was…Read More

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