Group work can be a powerful tool for transformation
From experience I have found that group work can be a catalyst for deep change.
Both at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing and during Walking the Shaman Path with Patricia White Buffalo, students were encouraged to work in duo sets or in triads.
From the outset at the BBSH, students were encouraged to give healings to each other in order to experience our own innate abilities in relationship to others in the group.
However, self-development has the word self in it. It indicates a willingness to explore and use self-will/discernment/patience to the degree possible at each stage to work through the personal issues/problems at hand.
Resistance and doubt is natural and throughout training at the Barbara Brennan School and Walking the Shaman’s Path, we were told tongue in cheek to ‘fake it until you make it’.
Clients will be encouraged during the ShamYoga sessions to discover their innate abilities and retrieve deep knowledge from within themselves.
Empowering your spiritual path and self-healing
The ShamYoga participants will be experiencing a combination of:
Opening Sacred Space as a Group to create a safe, nourishing container for the ShamYoga Group.
Gentle movement in a darkened room (or wearing a dark eye mask to block out light); trance dance. Opening the inner sensorium. The focus is not on exercise and exertion but on sensing the environment, both inner and outer.
Gentle yoga practice to settle the body and start calming the mind.
Group sharing and instructions/teachings
First Shamanic Journey
Break and group socialising
Second Shamanic Journey
Sharing, Brief Meditation and Closing of the Group
Seekers joining the ShamYoga group will be encouraged to find their own way into their healing process.
Sharing a Shamanic Journey with another ShamYoga member allows for synchronicities to occur as well as deeper learning about oneself, whilst also connecting deeper to others in the group.
Even though there will be some teachings in the group, the sessions are designed to be practical.
Recommended reading and handouts will be sent ahead of the sessions to clients who have signed up for the ShamYoga Year. Those texts and handouts are given out to encourage clients to learn in a gradual way.
My experience of the healing path is that it didn’t feel or appear to be a linear process but more of a cyclical vortex. In this vortex, it felt like the starting point was near the widest point of the vortex and over time, development and healing seemed to occur deeper in the spiral of this vortex as I got closer to a breakthrough point in the center.
The purpose is healing, development and empowerment.
There are many schools teaching energy healing or shamanism. For those seeking a qualification, wishing to become healers, those schools may be a good option.
The ShamYoga Group is designed to discover the healer within for self-healing. Working with others in the group may sound counter-intuitive in this.
It is however important for the group to bond by exchanging healing sessions/shamanic journeys at times. It’s a process of growing together within the group and to ensure group cohesion.
As the healing process unfolds, for some it may be beneficial to seek out other modalities such as counselling, massages, chiropractic, acupuncture to support the process between classes.
Everything and everyone is interconnected. What better way to find out than by trying it out! Don’t let your mind get in the way.
Applications are now open for 2025
Please fill in the Form below to be considered for registration. Applications close as soon as 8-12 people are registered for the course.