
What’s next?
An initial assessment (Shamanic Project) can highlight the need for more extensive work. Complex land clearings usually have their own rhythm. Each approach is tailored to what’s present onsite, making it difficult to give a firm description of what this entails.
At times, the complexity of the situation may require an on-site visit as well as some more preparation ahead of the day. Once on site, the Shamanic clearing usually completes within one day. To illustrate a few variations, I have included some examples from previous Shamanic Intensives.
First exposure to land clearing

Starting at home…
When you dare opening up to different ways of exploring and seeing the world, when your awareness becomes more free and expanded, there is no knowing what you’ll discover. Shortly after starting my healing journey at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing, I joined another group for a retreat in which we learned to connect with the trees and the land. As interesting as it was, I didn’t feel confident. Subsequently, I tried out what I’d learned at home and walked the land. I felt surprised at what I found and not in a pleasant way. Deeply tuning into the land felt like a punch to the stomach. I felt sick.
I asked the shaman who had organised the retreat for some help. I learned a lot as he walked my land for the day, showing how he detected and cleared. Surprisingly, I realised at the end of the day that all the areas I had marked off on a sketch of the property had been addressed even though he had refused to look at what I’d drawn. Some more work was needed to clear the energy, but it would involve the demolition of a wall. As this was part of someone else’s property, no progress was possible even though I could see and sense why he had suggested this.
It would take another 7 years to find the solution. By then I was in my final year of Walking the Shaman’s Path transformational program with Patricia White Buffalo in the South of France. Tuning in the beauty and tranquility of the land there, I suddenly found the local Spirit of the Land willing to give some tips around my dilemma at home.
Once home, the land clearing completed within one day, after some more preparation. I found out that not only my property was affected but also several others.
My sense was one of black magic on a neighbouring property, but going back a very long time. As I visited the property, I felt surprised that they were aware of the issue and how dangerous it was. The Shamanic Program had been my training ground, the Spirit of the Land at the retreat place in France my ally.
My neighbour told me a few years afterwards how he had seen the large black shadow speed over the land towards him and how he had felt great fear. He knew also of others along the canal near the village with a similar experience, their dog trying to burry himself into the seat of the car.
Group land clearing initiative

Charles W., a fellow student and graduate at the BBSH was ahead of me in his Shamanic studies with Patricia White Buffalo. Charles organised a project in which he invited a group of shamanic practitioners from his shamanic studies as well as Barbara Brennan students/graduates to participate.
This might be a good example of the complexity and precise, apparent ‘randomness’ of intuitive, spiritual guidance. In this example, I share my part in the process as it was a group effort.

Email contact
Received an email from Charles, addressing a small group, inviting us to intuit ‘a word’ connected to a location in Scotland
My sense was:
5 people in volved
About 20 years in existence
One person is holding the key to the project moving forward.
Sensed fear in the group. A problem had surfaced and there was disagreement on how to resolve it.
Sent my intuition to Charles W. and then looked up the word. Not a great deal was written up about it but it connected to a wood in Scotland.

Email contact
Received an email from Charles W, addressed to the group, inviting us to intuit about the wood itself.
My sense was:
Powerful energies in the wood.
Protective Strong Spirit of the Land.
There is ancient history attached to the wood that few people know about.
Printed a Google map with the coordinates and spent time contemplating the area.
One area stood out and looked red. Sensed intense anger.
Zooming out noticed another area, a clearing in the woods.
Two other trees identified to hold the process.
Further sensing about the people on site involved with the wood.
What is needed? A group to resolve this
Sent the information to Charles

Summer clearing
Charles W. visited the site in Scotland over summer.
The small group was invited to join the healing work remotely.
My sense was:
I perceived the upper layers of the land shifting nicely.
The Spirit of Land showed that the problem was much deeper. Anger was an issue on the site.
The Spirit of the Land showed what needed to be done & a specific area on the land.
Emailed the information to Charles W.
I couldn’t shake off the feeling that I would get involved in the project somehow.

Charles W and the wood Trustees invited me to get involved.
My sense was:
Crystals would be needed to create a portal on site
When checking which crystals and how many, the only information intuited was:
Type of crystal, number of them, indication of size and number. 63 in total.
The mineral Wholesale company locally was contacted for an estimate, which was communicated to Charles W.
We got the go-ahead but I had no idea as yet how the crystals were fitting in exactly.

During the weekend before visiting the wood in Scotland, I contemplated for a very long time on geometric designs, temples in nature, the number/type of crystals to fit within the geometric pattern.
After hours of contemplation and an equal amount of time drawing interconnecting circles, suddenly a geometric pattern emerged. When I placed the crystals on the juncture points within the circle, I knew the design was ready. All the crystals found their place and I could feel a strong shift in my energy and the energy in the room.
The sheer number of hours on the project also ensured that I became very familiar with the process of creating the design. The design would need to recreated on a much bigger scale.

When entering the woods, I felt as if I was getting strangled energetically.
After meeting some of the Trustees, Charles W. and I walked the woods with one of the Trustees.
One of the trustees struggled to wrap his head around how I had figured out the issue on the land.
Margaret C. shared that not many people knew of the Viking slaughter that had taken place in the woods. The northern area of the red area I had marked off on Google maps was where the Viking burial ground was situated.
Within 3 hours, the large geometric grid was laid out, the crystals placed on the interconnecting points and dug in.
We set up Sacred Space and prayed a shamanic prayer, leaving the activation of the portal until the next evening.
The following evening, the portal was opened remotely and connected to the burial ground.
I received feedback and gratitude from Margaret C. that the wood felt much better fairly soon after the healing work completed.