Distance Healing: try the first step in healing.

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In Person Healing Session

In order to describe what distance healing is, let’s start with what it is not.

Clients more familiar with the traditional healing modalities (doctor visits, dentists, chiropractors and others) may elect in a first instance not to deviate too much from that particular model.

During an in-person healing session, the client is fully clothed and lying on a massage table. The purpose and focus of the healing is discussed with the client prior to the healing work. During an energy healing session, there may be some light touch near the person’s joints and chakra locations of the body. During the healing itself however, there is no verbal exchange with the client.

When then considering an in-person Shamanic session, the approach can be different. Depending on the person and comfort with shamanism, the client may be lying not he table or on the floor. There may be drumming, rattling or chanting during the healing.

An in-person shamanic session – as a spiritual practice – can be a way to experience a reconnection with deeper levels of awareness of oneself, some of which may have been forgotten or lost over time. With Soul Retrievals, the shamanic practitioner then aims to retrieve what is lost – through trauma or other events – for the person to heal and learn.

Distance Healing

Microcosm print from 17th Century

During a distance healing, a connection between a client and healer takes place in a virtual way.

It is often said that everything/everyone is connected to everything/everyone. It’s a statement. But what does it mean? How is it possible when you’re living on opposite sides of the globe? Can you actually experience the truth of this rather than have a mental opinion around this statement? Have you experienced a distance healing? It’s only in the experience of this that doubt can be dispelled.

Distance can have a sense of ‘discord’, ‘debate’, ‘standing apart’ or ‘disconnect’ from places/situations/others such as ‘distancing oneself from ….’

Distance can be observed physically. One such example could be a socially accepted distance between two people. One can also distance oneself from projects or certain group beliefs which could be physically or mentally. Distance can also refer to the healer being physically removed from the client.

Does physical distance really matter? How about being with someone in the same room who is not present with you, their mind roaming somewhere else.

Distancing can also be extrapolated to the inner dimensions between one’s ordinary self (consensual reality shared by most people) and one’s Core Spiritual Self. The ordinary self’s senses are outward flowing, whereas the Core Self is central and powerful.

The inner dimensions of experiencing of a person have long been described as a microcosm, correlating to a macrocosm or the Universe.

People with a very strong identification with the material world may well feel like distancing from spiritual notions or may even place spirituality outside of themselves in a disconnected way. Some may even feel highly irritable or even angry when – in such frame of mind – any spirituality is mentioned.

Distance healing (or other healing) could also be seen as a way to experience ‘disconnected parts’ from the Core Self. Everything has a divine timing. This path of addressing the ‘discord’/’debate’/standing apart in the world is also not for everyone at this time. It is also not an easy task to disentangle from the conditioned identifications with a predominantly physically-focused world. Discovering the essence of Life is one’s birth right. It’s only a matter of time.

“Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity.”


If a healer has experience of their Higher Self and the client is disentangled enough from outer identifications to venture into exploring their Higher Self, a space for healing can open up. The way I would describe the process is one of entanglement from a Quantum mechanics point of view. In this, the entanglement is with a force greater than oneself, initiated by the healer and in which the client participates.

If one considers the Higher Self to be the microcosm (in both client and healer) and the Greater Reality to be macrocosmic, then one aligns one’s own limited understanding of earthly reality with a much larger unfathomable cosmic power source for the purpose of Self discovery and healing.

During a distance healing, the healer is able to interact with the client at a very subtle level. My experience of this in shamanic healing work is in the witnessing in that lucid space how the Divine is healing and guiding the client. I am not ‘the doer’ in that space.

In this sort of holographic fractal experience of the cosmos, the entire cosmos is contained at every point in the cosmos. All points in space/time are connected. Hologram means that the whole is present everywhere.

This holographic microcosm experience of the Higher Self, the experience of unity with all there is, has been described since ancient times.

Ultimately, it’s the experience of one’s Higher Self which has the potential to bring transformation. The distance healing here is in the bridging of the ordinary self to the Higher Self. The spiritual experience is in the resolution of this difference between two inner aspects of oneself; energy healing is the meeting of two separate people during which there is an exchange. In spirituality, duality is explored inwardly. In energy healing there is physical duality is in the contact between two people.

Healers can only guide the client as far as they’ve gone themselves.

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