Plans and Pricing for healing and personal development

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Whether you’re new or experienced, different personal development options or plans can be chosen from.

Single sessions are great to dip one’s toe in the water.

Discovering the depth of shamanic journeying can be increased by working as a small group together.

If an environmental issue is at the core of your discomfort, a land/home shamanic clearing session may be just what you need

Are you struggling to still your mind? Being present together during a session may help you reach a deeper point in your meditation.

Feeling like tackling those deep-rooted life issues? The Personal Program may be a fit.



Individual support, which can be focused on healing or meditation.

Experience an individual session without longer term commitment to a plan.

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Healing Session OR

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Meditation Session

One hour duration

In Person Session in York: additional charge £100

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Virtual Platform: no additional charge



Group sessions, including teachings. Discovering and learning together as a small group.

Experience small group gatherings for personal development.

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Small group (minimum 8-maximum 12 people)

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Trance Dance and Shamanic Journeying

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Brief Yogic Practice & Breathwork

In Person Session in York: 3-hours/session – 1x/month – 1 year

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Virtual Platform: access to learning material.



Initial Shamanic land or house clearing session.

Client support at the living environment level. Tracking unhealthy imprints.

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House Clearing Session AND/OR

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Land Clearing Session

Two hour duration

In Person Session in York: not applicable for the initial assessment and clearing.

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Virtual Platform: no additional charge



An intensive of thirteen Individual sessions over a period of six months.

Experience a more sustained approach to personal development and shamanic healing.

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Sessions: 13 sessions of 1 hour (13 hours in total within the plan)

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Individualized follow-up & learning

FREE basic Vedic Astrology

Sessions: occasionally booked for two hours rather than 1 hour.

In Person Session in York: additional charge £100/session

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Virtual Platform: no additional charge



Let’s talk if you wish a particular mix of disciplines organized in a personalized plan.

Note: I am not a Kundalini lineage holder and therefore unqualified to assess Kundalini related issues.

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Individualized learning material

layers of reality


One to two hour duration per session

In Person Session in York: additional charge £100/session

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Virtual Platform: no additional charge



Involved, more intensive Shamanic land or house clearing session.

Follows an initial virtual clearing. A Shamanic Intensive will be discussed if needed and may involve client participation.

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House Clearing Session OR/AND

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Land Clearing Session

Duration variable depending on the difficulty of the project.

In Person Session possible if the client elects this and/or Nathalie deems it necessary.

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Virtual Platform possibly. POA will estimate the hours of travel/work.



Individual Support

Each option or plan has a different level op support and learning available.

Single sessions are often chosen when a particular issue presents itself to the client for which they need support. If this option is chosen, often the client is asked to describe or present what they need support with. In the process of reading/reflecting on what the client writes, often the intuiting starts ahead of the session. If the client is not familiar with healing work, this often is a session in which the client relaxes and receives. Some clients are familiar with healing work. They may be in the process of completing a healing qualification may require healing sessions in order to complete the course. Clients familiar with healing work or shamanic journeying often are more actively involved in the healing session as we journey together through the shamanic realm.

Some clients have a hard time quietening their minds in meditation. Single sessions can also be booked to receive guidance in the practice. Part of the session is practical, meditating together and allowing our soul to take us as deep as possible in that session.

After a period of rest an restoration, 2025 feels like a good time to restart ShamYoga groups again and registration is open. The aim is to bring together a small group of 8-12 people for the purpose of development and healing. The format includes movement, yoga, sacred space and shamanic journeying. The groups come together for 3 hours on a Saturday once a month, leaving plenty of integration time in-between. Group discussions are part of the process as well as sharing.

The Personal Program is more intensive in that over a period of 6 months, 13 single hourly sessions are organised to work around a particular issue, often deep-routed. Soul retrievals and healing are the main focus and support is also more ongoing during that period.

Environment Support

At times, there is the possibility that someone starts noticing that all is not well in the house or one the land. Sensitives may pick up on those abnormalities quicker than others.

A wandering ghost may be seen or heard walking through the house, a client or several people in the house may feel touched by ghosts in a particular part of the home. The land may have a heavy imprint of previous trauma in a particular area with souls connected with that event unable to move on. They are stuck in that place, re-enacting the trauma and behaving more life ‘memory-demons’. A client may not be able to sell the house for a long time, feeling that something isn’t right.

All these examples have been met in practice, at times affecting the clients equally adversely and severely.

The purpose of land or house shamanic clearings is to regain a sense of light and peace not only for the land/home but also for the clients.

When a house/land clearing session is what a client chooses, the initial shamanic project is a two hour session for the client without virtual presence. In order to sense what’s present, an initial quick intuit is made of the area of land/property. Afterwards, a much wider area is considered and contemplated to discern whether what’s presenting is isolated or part of a much larger issue. Towards the end of the session, the shamanic journeying becomes focussed on the client(s) and how the client(s) possibly are connected to what’s presenting.

A report will be sent to the client or brief discussion via zoom to discuss findings. If the issue is simple or if the property has been involved in previous healing work, mostly there will be no need for follow up. If however the situation is complex and widespread, an in person approach may be more appropriate. Irrespective of what’s presenting, the initial session normally is the ‘diagnostics’ stage and precedes any more involved shamanic work to follow.

Virtual Platform for Learning

Client Support through education and facilitation

Client Resources include:


List of recommended books

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Virtual learning materials

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